
  • analyzing market research on iPad during COVID-19

    Update on conducting market research during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Since our original post on March 20 assessing survey response rates immediately after the COVID-19 travel ban, we've been closely following response rates and data impacts on several of our trackers, in both the utility and financial services spaces. Now, in Week 6 of the quarantine, we need to know if people have continued responding to survey invitations at the same rate.
  • survey response pandemic

    Survey response in the time of pandemic

    It is a common refrain in the survey research industry: any change impacting large populations will have an impact on response rates and possibly change how people respond. During natural disasters such as hurricanes or typhoons, many halt research in the impacted areas.
  • Smartlab Report Q4 2018 - Healthcare

    Millennials view healthcare from a different lens than prior generations. Health providers and caretakers need to be equipped to meet the concerns of a demanding generation who expect better preventive care than their predecessors.
  • Bellomy Blender Q4 2018 - Healthcare

    Quarter 4 for 2018 showed less people talking about healthcare compared to the previous. Talk around the sector also has grown slightly less positive in comparison. Popular mentions in health include jobs and careers.
  • Bellomy Blender Q3 2018 - Healthcare

    Q3 2018 showed a large decrease in social post volume, compared to this period last year. Those who did post were riveted by healthcare miracles and incredible health stories. Providers were also showing their growing wisdom by advertising job opportunities over social media.
  • Bellomy Blender Q2 2018 - Healthcare

    Q2 2018 brought with it new conversations around health. Digipharm’s business model opened new conversations about the potential for intersection between cryptocurrency and healthcare. Users of Twitter and Facebook have mixed opinions about healthcare acquisitions, and Amazon breaks into the sector with a controversial figure at its head.
  • UX research

    Are your digital touchpoints under-performing?

    Very few organizations question the value of User Experience (UX) research when designing or overhauling their digital touchpoints. Recognizing the value in UX and implementing a company culture that encourages and utilizes user research are two different challenges.