Owner Relationship Management

Product purchase is just the start of the relationship with a customer

Owner relationship management (ORM) increases the lifetime value of a customer and has a strong positive impact on the reputation of your brand. Your ORM approach must be strategic and proactive to be successful. Good ORM practices will increase your product registration rate, reduce product returns, increase customer satisfaction, and avoid recalls.

Featured owner relationship management solutions

Product registration

Achieving a high level of product registration is the first step in building a strong ORM program. This initial step gives you the vital contact information you need to quickly address product issues such as recalls, but also has important marketing value. It's too important to rely solely on passive techniques like registration cards or directing owners to websites.

Social media monitoring

Social media is fast becoming the “canary in the coal mine” for product issues. Today, everything is discussed in social media, and brands must be listening to hear about issues that may lead to an enhancement or may alert you to a potential recall. Social media listening requires the advanced tools that are available today, but more importantly, it requires the experience and expertise to know how to sort through billions of data points and get at the relevant insights.

Owner insight panels

A panel of owners who volunteer to provide insight on ownership issues can have many uses, and they provide the benefits of quicker and less inexpensive feedback. Bellomy provides you with full-service support including a dedicated team, all setup, design, recruitment, and refreshment. We have the highest levels of security and confidentiality protection, plus flexible technology for a custom platform.

Recall management

Protect your customers. Protect your brand.

Bellomy SmartRECALL: A proven step-by-step communication process to identify and notify affected stakeholders. This includes compliant notification capabilities, in-sourced call center, industry experience, and a trusted advisor to guide you through the process and requirements.