Three benefits of using an online panel for UX research and recruiting

published on February, 2020

Recruiting participants for usability sessions can be a pain. In fact, it can be a nightmare. Will our participants show up? Will we get good insights? Did the screening survey weed out unwanted users? Do our recruits know how to use the testing platform? What if we have several projects that we need to test by the same deadline? Will we be able to find an adequate sample to accommodate all these requests from stakeholders? 

If you've had to ask yourself any of these questions, you've probably struggled with recruiting for user experience testing. But you aren't alone. 

In our January webinar, Oakley Cline, a user experience research specialist with TD Ameritrade, discussed his experience using an online panel to recruit for usability research sessions. He touched on the barriers his research teams face when recruiting and how an online panel can be used to efficiently recruit participants and get the most out of research efforts. 

1. Panel participants are reliable

Research panelists provide higher quality responses than respondents sourced from a customer list, and they are also more likely to show up to their sessions. No-shows have always been an issue when recruiting for research, but online panels significantly decrease their incidence. Don't waste your budget on "meh" respondents that may not show up — invest in a panel.


slides of panel recruitment webinar presentationWatch the webinar recording to hear Oakley Cline explain how this approach has benefited TD Ameritrade.


2. Panels allow for quick-turn recruiting

Most internal research teams don't have the time or tools to recruit for multiple, concurrent research projects. A panel provides a reliable sample, on tap 24/7. TD Ameritrade continuously tests its array of mobile apps, as well as their website and mobile site. A panel allows for quick-turn recruiting for simultaneous usability testing sessions. And, because Bellomy manages the survey panel, TD Ameritrade's user research team can focus on the research without the constant burden of recruiting.

graphic showing how to conduct iterative research3. Online panels enable iterative UX research

Don't do a complete redesign of a platform and then conduct research to evaluate it. You might find that all the work you did doesn't satisfy your users' needs. Constant testing during the design process ensures that your designers are hitting the mark. Having a vast pool of users at your disposal is crucial to making the right adjustments to your digital platforms. 

Improve your UX testing using an online panel

A Bellomy-powered online panel can be a savior for overwhelmed research teams — it certainly is for the folks at TD Ameritrade. We take care of the recruitment, so you can focus on your priority — optimizing your digital platforms.

slides of panel recruitment webinar presentationSee how our clients are using Bellomy research communities to overcome recruiting barriers for UX research.

Watch the webinar "A 360° Approach to UX Testing & Recruiting Using an Online Panel" on demand.

Access the recording