What's next? Ask your customers
What is social monitoring?
The commuter-less road ahead: reflections of the "New Normal"
For about three years, I have met five friends for breakfast before work each Tuesday. The last seven weeks, however, we were forced to abandon the in-person greasy spoon meetup for virtual Zoom-and-eggs gatherings.
Prioritizing employee experience and preparing for a "New Normal"
How to calculate Net Promoter Score (and what to do next)
Measuring customer experience has always been a top priority for businesses. For decades, surveys have been a tried and true way for receiving feedback for services and products. Early forms of customer satisfaction surveys suffered from their length.
Three tips for user testing moderators
As a usability testing moderator, you have a responsibility to your stakeholders to observe participant behavior and collect verbal feedback. But moderators also have a responsibility for managing the participant's experience and comfort during the session.